Just choose your favorite one or make use of the random mode to start fighting, using all the skills and powers you've probably practiced hundreds of times as a kid. Repost is prohibited without the creators permission. There are over 50 different characters available: Son Goku, Son Gohan, Vegeta, Cell, Trunks, Mr. All Transformation Dragon Ball Super - Mugen Anime War 1 View 8 hours ago. Now you've got the chance to revive those moments on your computer thanks to Dragon Ball Heroes, a 2D fighting game built with the MUGEN engine in which we can take part in battles with our favorite characters. A Dragon Ball game similar to Street Fighter If you've ever had a decent childhood, you'll have fond memories of the hours on end spent in front on the TV watching Dragon Ball, the classic cartoons based on the manga written by Akira Toriyama and the many times you've pretended to be Goku, the Saiyan warrior that features in the series.